December 19, 2008

Day 19 - Thank You Note

The last 36 hours have been a bit overwhelming, between work demands and throwing a little Christmas soiree. After getting home last night from a brain draining day at the office, I was busy throwing together a veggie tray, removing the layer of dust from our living room, and trying to get the fudge to come out of the foil lined pan - not as easy as it looks on the Food Network!

My husband arrived home and wasn't greeted by the usual hug and a kiss or a "How was your day?", but a haggard "Hey." I don't even think I made eye contact with him. (Shame on me!) He didn't complain but jumped into the kitchen flurry to help make our 1st Annual Chili Christmas Party a big hit. (We had so much fun with our neighbors last night! They loved the tree, the food, and our home. I'm so thankful to live in a place where we can share a meal and some laughs with those who live near and to begin new friendships, beyond the 'driveway to driveway wave.'

I've learned something about myself - when I feel stressed, and starting to head toward panic, I start to think negatively and complain. It's terrible, I know, but a very human thing to do. Still, no excuse.

This morning I found this amazing verse: "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He's done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand." (Phillippians 4:6-7)

Usually, I would have focused on the 'don't worry' section of the verse or to 'pray about everything' in my life - my needs, deepest desires, and what's on my to-do list for the day. But today, the part that stuck out to me was 'and thank Him for what He's done.' Yes, God wants me to tell Him what I need, but I'm supposed to equally thank Him for what He's already accomplished in my life.

I tried to do just that as I was getting ready this morning, thank God for He's done in my life. I noticed that within a few mental sentences, I was right back to thinking about my needs, desires, and to-do's for the day ahead. I can tell this is going to be more difficult that I thought. . .

My mother taught me to write thank you notes after every birthday and Christmas, so I'm applying that concept and challenging myself (and you) to take time over the next few days to write down what God has done in my life over the last year, even the last few days. Get out a piece of paper (you may need more than one) and write out where you have seen God take care of you and fulfill all your needs. You can do this solo or as a family activity. You can do it one time or throughout the Christmas season, even on a daily basis.

When you're finished, roll up the paper and tie a red ribbon around it. Place it on your tree. On Christmas morning you can read each of them and celebrate all God has done for you. Keep it with your ornaments when you store your decorations and next year you'll have a great reminder of what God has done. Over the years you'll be able to have documentation of God's work in your family's life.

If you're thinking, "Well, that won't take much, I'm thankful I have a job, a home, clothes, food, and my family. The end." That's a great start, but get more detailed. Think about what you can't control and all the Godronic moments and the Godincidences that have just seemed to work out in your favor.

A few things that come to my mind to put on my list:
  • A husband that loves me, serves me, has an amazing work ethic, is patient with me, and has uncompromising integrity.
  • Fresh water to drink and choices of food for every meal. I've never gone hungry.
  • A warm home, a comfy bed and pillow, soft sheets, and a wonderful husband to cuddle up with at night.
  • Safety on all my travels. Getting to go to places I've dreampt about.
  • A vehicle that runs and is safe.
  • A huge closet that is full of clothing options for every day and season.
  • A job where I can use my passion and skills that He has provided.
  • A family that loves God and me.
  • The opportunity and freedom to celebrate Christmas!

My list will definately go on and on. What will be on your 'Thank You' note this year to the Giver of all good gifts?

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