December 02, 2008

Day 2 - Tuesday is Trash Day

I was up earlier than usual this morning - 2 minutes before 5:00am - since that's when my husband's alarm goes off. I must be excited about this Experiment! I'm already dressed and ready for the work day by 6:30am. Let me tell you, that's not typical. Usually I'm running out the door with juice in my hand and trying to find the keys in my purse.

I was picking up the kitchen from the night before and walked past the windows on my way to our recycle bin, when the trash truck stopped at our house. It's Tuesday so our trash is waiting at the curb for the truck to come whizzing by and whisk it away.

But my thoughts didn't go to the usual places like, 'I wonder how big the landfill is for our area?' or 'Why don't more people recycle?'. Nope. Today I wondered how cold it was outside. I wondered how these men do their much needed job every day in all types of weather and why I've never appreciated it before.

Yes, I do pay them for their services, but to truly give every day, I wondered what I could do for them that would let each of them know I've noticed them, I thank them, and I appreciate their work? Who knows, the guy on the back of the truck, all bundled up bracing against the cold, having to smell my trash and thousands of others, may need encouragement, a thank you, or maybe a small gift. I know I would if that was my job for even a day, much less for years. Maybe that's exactly what he needs from me. . . and you.

Think about all of those people that provide a much needed service for you - trash, mail, lawn, etc. - and figure out a way to say thank you and give them a little 'Christmas.' I would love to hear about it. Please share your stories with me and I'll get back to you about what I've decided to do for my trash men.

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