December 03, 2008

Dec 3 - What Is True Generosity?

Instead of using the word 'Giving,' I chose 'Generosity' for the title of this blog. I know it probably wasn't the best idea from a googling standpoint or for great ease in remembering the name of the site, but there was a reason I did it.

Generosity is a more complex word and not often used in our society today. I believe there is a reason for that. Generosity is defined as a readiness and liberality in giving. It's the freedom from smallness of mind and character. It's magnanimous! (I love that word!) Generosity is bountiful and abundant. Generosity is nobility in thought and behavior. (I really like where this is headed!)

The antonym of Generosity (that's the opposite of the word for those of you that are trying pull up the mental file from grade school English of what exactly that word means) is stingy, petty, mean, and selfish. Ouch.

Then there is the meaning of Giving: to yield, to give in, to concede, bestow a gift. You're probably thinking 'Giving doesn't sound too bad.' and 'How could it be any different than Generosity?' The defintition from my perspective was somewhat alarming.

When I looked up Giving, I naturally assumed that it would be almost identical to Generosity. But I was shocked to find that the definition doesn't sound very noble or inspirational at all. The definition of Giving sounds like I would be giving under pressure, almost a 'half to' kind of thing. Like I finally said, 'Okay, fine, I'll give. But don't make me do it again.'

So, on Day 3 of this Experiment, I ask you - What are you doing to countdown to Christmas? Are you being Generous or Giving? It's not a an issue about which word you use, but which definition you embody. Examine your heart and let me know what you find. I don't know about you, but I want to be noble and magnanimous!

"Your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. " - 2 Cor 9:11

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